Friday, December 21, 2007

Run # the 2

Second run today! A bit easier than the first one, although in the beginning I was feeling a strain where my leg connects to my pelvic socket. (IS there such thing as a pelvic socket? I took AP Bio in high school, not anatomy.)  I figured I'd run a bit more and see if it got better, which it did. I'll have to be a bit more careful about stretching for my long run with A.M. this weekend.

Here's the nifty run data from this one:

My average pace got better, so that's a plus.

I must admit, I'm a bit disappointed with Nike + today...I still love the equipment, but the actual run graph they show me on the website today is waaaay cooler than what you see pace varied a bit more today, and the graph has lots of ups and downs (cue French accent: HOW LIKE ZE LIFE.)

Look, see?  

THAT'S what I want in my nifty animated mini-graph.

Anyhoo, tomorrow is my rest day, but I might do ten minutes of pilates anyway. I do feel the muscular benefits of it, but next to the actual running it feels a bit like cheating.

Speaking of cheating, GMAPS says I only ran 1.63 miles. Why they always tryin to hate on me? Maybe I'll calibrate the Nike + tomorrow.

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