Sunday, December 30, 2007

"I'm gaining strength, trying to learn to pull my own weight..."

Long run this morning.  I'm heading to NYC in a few hours, but since I will be away from my lovely Macbook for a few days, I wanted to post quickly before I leave.  I briefly considered bringing my Macbook with me, but last time we went on a trip together, I left it on the El at O'Hare, almost missing my flight and giving my mother a coronary in the attempt to rescue it (mission: successful).
Incidentally, are we sure that a rest day is a good thing?

I can't help but feel like I'm more sluggish and that the run is more difficult after the rest day.  I guess the data doesn't really support that theory, but it certainly feels harder...and that has me worried for my ability to finish the actual race after my eventual taper-down period.

Despite the low dip, I managed to run the whole time.  The bottom of this graph represents about 11'30" and the top is 10'23".

I'll probably up my teeny-tiny-not-even-supposed-to-exist runs to 1.5 miles this week (previously 1 milers).  I'm bringing my Pilates DVD to NYC, though I'm not 100% committed to prostrating myself in my friend's living room.  We'll see...


Ms. V. said...

Why can't you run in NYC? I think this blog is a cool addition to the net. I'm running my first 5K in a year in a few weeks, doing the Couch to 5K program.

I love that Nike program thing. Too bad that Asics has my heart!

Have fun in NYC!

Stuart said...

Great blog, it really good to see new peeps coming to the sport

Ms V fear not I am an Asics wearer and have just logged my 1500the Nike + mile!

Greg On the Run said...

You are on the right track, taking it slow and building up the mileage.

Found you on the Complete Running Network.

MoFarbs said...

Ms. V, I'm also an Asics wearer! Get yourself a! Good luck with your 5k!!! (I did manage to run while in NYC, too..I was worried about pedestrians, but Soho was relatively light on foot traffic!)

Slb+: Thanks! It's nice to connect with other running bloggers...I only know a few other folks in the "real world" who run with any degree of regularity!

Greg: Thanks for the encouragement. I feel myself coming along. It's hard to imagine running ten miles right now, but I'm already closing in on three (an impossible feat several weeks ago)!

Nitmos said...

"Trust in the taper"..I heard those words and was skeptical at first also. It works though. For a 10 mile race, you won't need a huge 2-3 week taper though. Maybe 10 days worth IMO. Your body will adjust to run/rest/run/rest...or whatever schedule you're following. You're "breaking it in" right now. Keep going!

MoFarbs said...

okay. still seems counter-intuitive, but you're right that i'm still getting used to running. my taper right now might be too long...i feel a bit more comfortable with ten days you suggested than the two/three weeks currently on the schedule!