I'm contemplating a quick run before going on a blind (well, J-) date tonight.
Pro: I felt the benefits of an extra short run when I went on my 25 minute-r yesterday.
Con: If the date goes really poorly, I might have less stamina to make a break for it.
After my disappointing showing for Sunday's long run, I've been considering adding two more runs a week, with the extra runs being about 1/2 the time/distance of the regular ones. This week is my experiment with that idea.
Someone recommended adding hill work to my schedule every ten days or so...giving myself an easy run one day and then just running up and down a nearby hill a few times. It sounds like a good idea, and I already know I have a really hard time running hills.
To this end, I've been doing most of my pilates sessions this week with the "Buns and Thighs" portion of my 10 Minute Pilates DVD to build up my hill-vanquishing muscles. And yes, I feel ridiculous for thinking about my buns and thighs as "buns and thighs."
I wish Sir-Mix-A-Lot would make a buns and thighs work-out video.
I bet his terminology would be better. Although the "workout" might just consist entirely of eating bon-bons and shaking "that healthy butt." ...Might not be so bad, actually...if I didn't have a hill to conquer!
Incidentally, I've just come to the daunting realization that I'll be staying with friends in NYC on Monday and Tuesday of this week when I'm supposed to be working with my pilattes DVD. Not sure how I will manage to do this with minimal embarrassment, but I think it will involve headphones, a mini-DVD player, and 3:30am. Just a hunch.
Welcome to running/blogging. Thanks for stopping by. The big thing is...get into a habit of running. Don't find easy excuses to miss a scheduled day. And don't let yourself get easily discouraged. Expect some rough work outs. Expect some peaks and valleys. These will smooth out in the long run.
Most of all, enjoy it! It should be fun. Vary the run courses and challenges to keep it interesting.
I'll look forward to tracking your progress. Good luck.
Thanks for the encouragement! I'm really determined to stick to my training schedule, and I'm trying to be disciplined about not cutting corners or skipping sessions.
I can already tell that you're right about the peaks and valleys...it's hard for me to accept that there are some times and distances that I just physically *cannot* run yet. I'll get there, I hope, if I stay consistent!
MOJO, thanks for stopping by and welcome!! Nitmos is a pro and is giving you great advice. It sounds like you are similar in place to where I was. It might be helpful to read my first few weeks. Also, my first race was a 10 miler at a 12 pace. You might enjoy the read. http://www.nancy262.com/2007_09_01_archive.html
Good luck with your training and stop by any time.
Nancy, thanks for linking me to that post - it was really interesting! Now I can't wait until April :)
I tried to put myself in the slowest corral of runners...there will be something like 10,000 people running in this race. Crazy! I know I will be intimidated by the "real" athletes, but I've just got to keep in mind that I'm only competing with myself. I've got a bit of a cushion, at least, since the official pace is 14.
Go MOJO!!!
Thanks, Mom :)
Hey if it puts some color in your cheeks, just don't turn up puffing and sweaty!
Anyway how'd it go?
Haha, thanks SLB. I was sure to leave time (barely) for a shower after the run :o)
The date was fine...he didn't axe-murder me, which is usually the standard I hold for Jdates. Keep the expectations low, you know? I don't plan on seeing him again, though!
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